Our Services
When Cadence Therapy Services provides music therapy services, we strive to provide planned, systematic applications of music to promote a professional relationship between therapist, child, and family to achieve each unique, customized goal. There are a variety of skill sets that we will address when working with your early childhood students, taking into account each student’s various abilities, aptitudes, and interests. At the completion of the music therapy services intervention, your child will have been exposed to the following:
Music and Movement
Active movement activities are included with every music therapy session. Music Therapy Services, Inc., uses a variety of songs and props to achieve these active movements, which also generate cardiovascular benefits. Through these movements, our therapists strive to teach increased self awareness, increased motor skills, both gross and fine, developing and maintaining muscle coordination, following directions, increased auditory awareness, introducing and teaching academic concepts such as right/left or body parts, directionality, and success and participation within a planned activity.
Music to Teach Academic Concepts
It has been proven that using music as a tool to teach academic concepts increases success rates of memorization. This is because the brain processes musical concepts throughout the brain, rather than just in one area as with the spoken word. Our therapists use a variety of rhythms, songs, instruments, and props to expose your child to a variety of academic concepts that coincide with their current educational level, such as colors, numbers, months of the year, days of the week, animals, etc.
Music to Practice Social Interactions
At Cadence Therapy Services, we strive to have every student be a contributing member to a successful music therapy session, and also a successful life. Music therapy offers a variety of interventions that focus on appropriate social interactions with others and boundaries. Through this program, your child will have the opportunity to practice such skills as appropriate greetings, appropriate ways to express and validate emotions, social boundaries, importance of a planned schedule, etc.
Music to Achieve and Grow
Music and its structure provide a safe, mobile and fun way to practice a variety of life skills. Cadence Therapy Services has a goal for every student to participate to the best of their abilities and feel that they were a contributing member of a group that made success possible. Decision making, social interactions, expressing emotions, academic concepts, body awareness, and muscle coordination are just the beginning of the concepts we can provide to students to ensure their current and future success.